1. General Rules
- Private Property: The campus is private property, and the University reserves the right to manage parking and traffic, restrict access to vehicles, and adjust parking availability as needed for emergencies or construction. Alternate parking will be arranged whenever possible, with advance notice when feasible.
- Speed Limit: Campus speed limit is 30 km/h unless otherwise posted.
2. Where to Park
- Designated Spaces Only: Park only in marked spaces within parking lots. Aisles, lanes, and fire routes are not designated parking areas.
- Vehicle Registration: All vehicles must be registered with Campus Parking Services. Parking Services may link your vehicle to your account if you park without registering, especially if ticketed or towed.
- Permit or Payment Required: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (excluding statutory holidays), vehicles must have a valid permit or pay through the Paybyphone or HONK apps.
- Overnight Parking (December 1 – March 31): Park in P13, P17, P18, or P19 only for overnight parking during winter months. View full restrictions here.
3. Purchasing a Permit
- Permit Purchase: Buy permits through the Online Parking Portal.
- Linked Vehicles: Up to 3 vehicles can be linked to a permit, but only one may park on campus at a time. If multiple vehicles are parked at the same time without additional payment, each offending vehicle will receive a ticket.
- Permit Zones:
- Red and Yellow Zones: are available for staff and commuting students. Yellow Zone permits are available for residence students. Sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Black Zone: Required for assigned 24-hour premium parking areas.
- Accessible Parking: MTO permit holders may use accessible spaces; payment is required via Paybyphone or with a valid red or yellow zone permit.
- Green Permits (Electric Vehicle Charging): Required to park in charging stations.
- Commercial Service Permits: Available for contractors providing services or deliveries on campus.
- Year-Round Permit Requirement: Permits are required throughout the calendar year, including reading and exam periods.
4. Paybyphone & HONK Apps
- Paybyphone: Only valid in areas with Paybyphone signage.
- HONK: Available at P31 Visitor Area, P44 Visitor Area, P1, GTI (P70), and OVC Client parking.
- Permit Validity: Permits are not valid in Paybyphone or HONK areas.
5. Electric Vehicle Parking
- Charging Stations: Reserved for actively charging electric vehicles (max 4 hours in some locations).
- Green Permit or Payment Required: Non-permit holders can use charging stations by paying through Paybyphone/HONK. The parking rate charged is for parking only and there will be no charge for electricity as a commodity.
6. Cancelling a Permit
- Cancellation Process: Complete the Permit Cancellation Form online. Not all permits are refundable.
- Payroll Deduction: If you pay via payroll deduction, your permit will automatically renew yearly. Permit holders who do not cancel their permits, during their absence from campus, and pay via payroll deduction, will be responsible for all accrued parking fee(s). Any outstanding parking fees will be deducted from wages.
- Employment Termination: Permits will be revoked if employment ends without cancellation, and unauthorized parking will result in a ticket.
7. Parking Without Permit/Payment
- Risk of Ticketing & Towing: Vehicles without valid permits or payment may be ticketed or towed.
- Outstanding Fines: Parking privileges are revoked and sanctions may be applied until fines are paid. Unpaid fines can lead to additional penalties and towing.
- Permit Issuance:
- Permits won’t be issued to individuals with unpaid fines.
- Parking privileges are reinstated once fines are cleared.
- Parking sanctions can take 24-48 business hours to be lifted after payment is received.
- If a ticket is not paid or placed on appeal within the provided timeline, a late fee will be applied.
8. Appealing a Violation
- Timeline:
- Appeals must be filed within 10 business days of ticket issuance.
- Grounds for appeal are limited to cases where the ticket was issued contrary to the regulations or otherwise in error.
- Not all violations qualify for appeal.
- A lack of knowledge or awareness of the regulations does not establish grounds for an appeal.
- Final Decision: Appeal decision notices issued by Parking Services shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the appellant and the University.
9. General Information
- Violations: of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, the Trespass to Property Act, or the University Student Rights & Responsibility, may result in a charge being laid by the Campus Safety Office & Community Police, in addition to any other penalties or costs that may be applicable.
- Withdrawal of parking privileges & subsequent towing of offending vehicle(s) at the owner/operator's expense
- Account transferred to Student Financial Services for Academic Sanction
- Submission of account to an outside collection agency.
- Prohibited Activities:
- Driving or parking on lawns, walkways, or landscaped areas is prohibited without prior authorization.
- Hazardous Vehicles: Vehicles posing environmental or safety risks (e.g., leaking gas) will be towed immediately at the owner’s expense.
- Sleeping in vehicles or camping on campus is not allowed.
- Snowmobiles are prohibited unless authorized.
- Tailgating is not permitted.
Important Notes:
- All permits (excluding Black Zone Permits) are subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The permit does not guarantee a space in a specific lot. If your preferred lot is full, you are required to proceed to the next available lot within the authorized zones.
- If those lots are full, you will need to park at pay-by-phone/HONK locations.
- Permits are virtual and must be registered to a license plate.
- All rates include HST and are subject to change.
- Please follow all parking lot signage. For a complete list of regulations, see the Parking Policy and Regulations.
Questions: Contact Campus Parking Services at 519-824-4120 x52118 or questions@parking.uoguelph.ca