Responsible Office: Physical Resources
Responsible Officer: Associate Vice-President (Physical Resources)
Effective Date: September 1, 2024
Previous Reviews: See Revision History
Approving Authority: Associate Vice-President (Physical Resources)
A14. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to identify and provide a brief description of the visitor parking services established and available on University property, including setting up visitor parking accounts, selection of and purchasing visitor parking, and payment of fees.
A15. Definitions
The defined terms in the Highway Traffic Act (Ontario) and in Traffic & Parking Administrative System apply equally in this guideline.
A16. Visitor Parking
Visitor parking is intended primarily for the general public, including visitors and invited guests to the University, as well as University community members without permit parking.
Visitor parking is available for use during posted hours of operations on a short-term, first-come/ first-serve, pay-as-you-use basis with no in-and-out privileges. Persons using visitor parking remain solely responsible for purchasing sufficient parking time at all times.
Permit parking permit-holders are not permitted to park in visitor parking without paying the appropriate visitor parking fees.
Visitor parking facilities are monitored for parking enforcement by Campus Parking Services using the T2 Systems enforcement app.
The University shall not be responsible for any costs and/or damages in relation to visitor parking, and the University shall be indemnified from any such claims or actions.
A16.1. Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces are available for use by visitors with physical disabilities on a pay-as-you-park basis during posted hours of operations.
At the time of use of an accessible parking space:
A valid, ServiceOntario-issued accessible parking permit must be conspicuously displayed (with the permit number and expiry date visible) from the vehicle’s dashboard or driver’s sun visor;
the person named on the ServiceOntario-issued accessible parking permit being displayed must be either the driver or a passenger of the vehicle; and
payment of visitor parking fees must have be made in advance.
A16.2. Electric Vehicle Charging Station Parking
Electric vehicle (EV) charging station facilities are available for the express purpose of parking electric vehicles during the active charging cycle, up to a four-hour daily maximum in designated locations, on a pay-as-you-park basis during posted hours of operations.
Visitors can purchase electric vehicle charging station parking using the PayByPhone app. Only electric vehicles are permitted to park at an EV charging station and are only permitted to be parked during the active charging cycle, up to a daily maximum of four hours in designated locations. Any electric vehicle that remains parked after the parking time purchased has elapsed is in violation of this policy, the regulations included, and subject to University sanction.
The parking rate charged is for parking only and there will be no charge for electricity as a commodity.
A16.3. HPC Client Parking Facilities
HPC designated parking spaces are available to public clients of the Health and Performance Centre (HPC) clinic for parking while attending an HPC appointment. Public clients may park for no additional charge in any available HPC clinic parking space, provided that the public client’s vehicle has been registered with Campus Parking Services by HPC at the time of the appointment. Availability of HPC parking spaces cannot be guaranteed and, should HPC parking become unavailable, public clients may use any available visitor parking and are required to pay the applicable parking fees.
A17. Visitor Parking Account
Visitor parking services options on University property typically require advance registration and setup of a parking account prior to use/ parking.
There are essentially two methods for setting up parking accounts for visitor parking services on University property:
University third-party mobile parking applications/ online portals, PayByPhone, HONK or Offstreet, require visitors to register and park in the designated visitor parking zones; and
University main online parking portal to create individual parking account for University students and employees without, University units, and permitted service contractors using visitor and/ or permit parking.
Advanced registration may enable the account-holder be contacted by the University should a potential concern with account-holder’s vehicle, e.g. headlights or interior lights remain left on, a flat tire, unlocked vehicle, possible evidence of a break-in, etc, be observed.
A17.1. First-Time Setup of Parking Account Using Third-Party Mobile Parking Application
A mobile parking account can be setup by visitors prior to using visitor parking facilities on University property for the first time. The following parking account setup options are available at the University:
download the HONK mobile app and/ or visit the HONK website online; or
download the PayByPhone mobile app and/ or visit the PayByPhone website online.
Scan the QR code or click on the URL provided by the department
Account setup and activation requires the following minimum personal information on HONK & Paybyphone: telephone number, vehicle licence plate number with issuing province/ state and credit card information.
Account setup and activation requires the following minimum personal information on Offstreet: vehicle licence plate number with issuing province/ state and credit card information.
Once a mobile parking account has been activated, visitor parking can be purchased using either PayByPhone, HONK or Offstreet at posted rates (without discount).
A17.2. First-Time Setup of Parking Account Using University Online Parking Portal
A University parking account can be setup by visitors online using the University’s online parking portal.
For visitors, account setup and activation requires the following mandatory personal information: name, unique ID created by visitor, home address, email address, mobile telephone number, pre-registration of vehicle, including the make, model and license plate number and issuing province/ state, and the prospective account-holder’s acknowledgement and agreement to observe and comply with the requirements of this policy, including the regulations. Visitor parking accounts will have limited access to the types of parking available. If there is interest in a particular type of parking permit, Campus Parking Services may be contacted after the visitor account has been activated to assess any opportunity of extending privileges to additional types of parking.
For employees and students, account setup and activation requires the following mandatory personal information: name, student or employee number, office, home and local address, as applicable, UofG email address, mobile telephone number, pre-registration of up to three vehicles, including the make, model and licence plate number and issuing province/ state, and account-holder’s/ permit-holder’s acknowledgement and agreement to observe and comply with the requirements of this policy, including the regulations.
Once a parking account has been activated visitor parking may be purchased using the University parking account at posted discounted rates.
A17.3. Accuracy and Completeness of Information
Account-holders remain solely responsible for providing complete and accurate University parking account information. The University, including Campus Parking Services, relying on University parking accounts being complete and accurate, assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any delay or failure to process payments, to provide parking, and/ or for any enforcement under this policy, including these regulations, that may occur as a result of any incomplete/ inaccurate mobile/ University parking account information.
A17.4. Notification of Changes
Account-holders are encouraged to update their mobile/ University parking account with information changes at the account-holder’s earliest opportunity (and prior to purchasing any further visitor parking on University property).
A18. Purchasing Visitor Parking
To purchase visitor parking, the account-holder will login in to:
the University online parking portal; or
the PayByPhone, HONK or Offstreet website online, the PaybyPhone, HONK or Offstreet mobile app, or call the PayByPhone service number on the applicable parking sign; and
follow the respective prompts:
For Paybyphone or HONK
enter the 4- to 5-digit location code advertised on the parking space/ parking lot sign;
select the day rate or desired (or maximum) amount of parking time;
provide your credit card particulars, including the 3-digit security code;
select the vehicle being parked; and
confirm your selection.
For Offstreet
enter license plate and issuing state/province;
select the date(s);
provide your credit card particulars, including the 3-digit security code;
enter in email address, click send; and
confirm your selection.
Upon payment of the applicable parking fees, an electronic parking session receipt is issued to the account-holder against the licence plate of the vehicle registered in the parking space.
Additional time may be purchased by revisiting the account-holder’s account through the respective online website/ mobile app or by redialing the PayByPhone service number, entering/ providing the additional time desired.
Failure to purchase any and all applicable parking time for visitor parking during posted hours of operations is in violation of this policy, including these regulations, and subject to University sanction.
A18.1. Parking License
Upon payment of the parking fees, the account-holder purchasing and parking/ using parking is deemed to have entered into a parking license with the University to park the registered vehicle on University property, such license being a privilege (rather than an entitlement or a right) granted by the University to the account-holder. The account-holder remains responsible for observing the requirements of this policy, the regulations included, while on University property.